TIA’s vision is to support districts in building, expanding, and sustaining strategic compensation systems that can differentiate teacher effectiveness in all...
Tag - TIA
The Teacher Incentive Allotment, or TIA, was established in 2019 through HB3. TIA aims to provide outstanding teachers with an accessible...
Whether you are new to the TIA application process or considering expanding your current application, identifying suitable student growth measures is...
Determining the percentages for student growth and teacher observations in the Weighting Tab of your TIA application is a critical decision. Those...
The public education system in Texas plays a critical role in shaping our children’s future. Dedicated, hardworking teachers are the backbone...
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program is an innovative and exciting initiative that offers Texas school districts the opportunity to reward...
The Teacher Incentive Allotment is a big deal for Texas teachers and their students. Governor Abbott signed House Bill 3 into law in 2019. Included...
No matter what Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Cohort your district identifies with, or even if you are in the initial TIA discovery phase, there...