ESC Region 13 Launches Foundation

ESC Region 13 Launches Foundation

Today marks a milestone in Texas education as Education Service Center (ESC) Region 13 proudly announces the launch of its Education Foundation. Committed to advancing educational excellence and fostering community collaboration, the Foundation is poised to become a cornerstone for transformative education in our region.  

The ESC Region 13 Foundation represents a pivotal moment in our region’s educational landscape. By uniting educators, students, and community partners, we are not only investing in the future of our youth but also strengthening the fabric of our entire community.  

Foundation President Ron Jones

Foundation Purpose, Mission, and Vision

At the heart of the Foundation lies a profound purpose, mission, and vision: 

  • Purpose: The ESC Region 13 Foundation is committed to advancing educational excellence by equipping educators with essential resources, championing student success, and fostering community collaboration. 
  • Mission: Dedicated to enriching public education, the Foundation engages community partners and creates unique opportunities for educators, students, and communities. 
  • Vision: Through partnership, dedication, and excellence, the ESC Region 13 Foundation aspires to be the driving force behind transformative education in our community, igniting a passion for knowledge. 

Foundation Programs

The Foundation will focus on programs that develop teachers and students: 

  • Educator Preparation, Recognition, and Retention: Offering comprehensive resources for aspiring educators, celebrating dedication through awards, grants, and recognition programs, and providing support systems to promote job satisfaction and retention.  
  • Educator Health and Wellbeing: Prioritizing the health and wellbeing of educators, the Foundation will offer resources, workshops, and support services to promote a healthy work-life balance, reduce stress, and prevent burnout.  
  • Career and Postsecondary Pathways: In efforts to prepare students for success beyond high school, the Foundation will provide career exploration activities, internships, and college readiness programs, ensuring exposure to diverse pathways. 

As stewards of education, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive. Launching the Foundation underscores our unwavering commitment to shaping a brighter, more empowered future for all.

Dr. Rich Elsasser, Executive Director of ESC Region 13

ESC Region 13 Launches Foundation
Pictured: Founding Board. Front Row, left to right: Dr. Laura Joseph, Scott Milder, Dr. Millie Klein, Kerry Gain, Heather Sheffield. Back Row, left to right: Dr. Elizabeth Swanson, Gilbert Zavala, Dr. Rich Elsasser, Ron Ries, Ron Jones, Roger Dees 

The ESC Region 13 Foundation is a charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Service section 501 (c)(3) and contributions to the organization are tax deductible. For more information about the ESC Region 13 Foundation and how you can get involved, please visit 

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