How to Become a Certified CTE Teacher in Texas

How to become a teacher | become a teacher in texas | Region 13

Understanding CTE

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is crucial in preparing students for the workforce by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed in various industries. Become a teacher in Texas with CTE programs in a wide range of fields, including healthcare, information technology, agriculture, manufacturing, and more. These programs provide hands-on learning experiences, often involving real-world applications, which are essential for students to succeed in their chosen careers.

Certification Requirements

Becoming a certified CTE teacher in Texas involves several steps. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process:

1. Education and Experience Requirements

To be eligible for CTE certification, you must meet specific education and experience requirements for the CTE certification area in which you plan to teach during your internship year. CTE teacher certifications are typically divided into four specific sections:

Bachelor’s Degree Required:

While the degree does not necessarily need to be in education, it should be in a field related to the CTE subject you wish to teach, or you should have enough coursework in that specific certification area to gain admission into an Educator Preparation Program (EPP). You must have an overall GPA of 2.5. If both conditions aren’t met, then you would need to take the PACT for admission into the program.

  • Example Certification Areas: Business and Finance, Agricultural Food and Natural Resources, Technology Applications, Computer Science, Technology Education, Math/Physical Science/Engineering, and Family and Consumer Sciences.
Work Experience and Industry License/Certification:

Trade and Industrial Education requires you to have relevant work experience in the industry within the last ten years and a license or certification related to the work experience. If you have a degree, it would be two years of full-time wage-earning experience within the last ten years. If you do not have a degree, it would be five years of full-time wage-earning experience within the last ten years.

  • For example, if you want to teach automotive technology, having experience as a mechanic or automotive technician would be beneficial, and your certification area would be Trade and Industrial Education: Automotive Technician. A complete list of Work Approval areas can be found here.
  • K-12 teaching experience does not count as industry experience.
Degree, Work Experience, and Industry License/Certification:

Health Science is a unique certification area as it requires you to hold at least an Associate’s degree, have at least two years of industry experience in direct patient care, and an active license/certification that you utilized during the work experience.

Degree and Work Experience:

Marketing is another unique certification area as it requires you to hold a bachelor’s degree with coursework in marketing and at least two years of related work experience in marketing.

2. Enroll in an Approved Educator Preparation Program (EPP)

You must enroll in an approved EPP, which will evaluate your work experience and coursework to determine if you meet entrance requirements. These programs are designed to equip you with the pedagogical skills and knowledge required to teach the content that you know effectively.

3. Complete Coursework, Field-Based Experience, and Pass Certification Exams

Once enrolled in an EPP, you will be provided with at least 300 hours of pedagogical training and coursework with specific performance-based assessments that will evaluate your proficiency across the educator standards. The state also requires you to complete field-based observations of certified teachers teaching in their classrooms. Currently, the requirement is 30 hours, but after September 1, 2024, the requirement will increase to 50 hours.

There are specific exams you must pass to become a certified CTE teacher in Texas. These exams assess your knowledge of the subject matter and teaching skills. The main exams include:

TExES Content Exam

This exam tests your knowledge in the specific CTE area you wish to teach. The exam varies depending on the certification area. The Trade and Industrial Education certification areas do not have a content exam.

Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) Exam:

This exam assesses your understanding of teaching practices and professional responsibilities.

4. Internship

EPPs are required to ensure you have completed at least 150 hours of training, field-based experience, and passed your required content test before you begin teaching on an intern certificate in your certification area. You will be the full-time teacher of record, receiving support from your EPP, campus administrator, mentor, and EPP-assigned field specialist. At the end of your first full year of teaching on your intern certificate, you will be ready to be recommended for your standard teaching certificate.

Becoming a certified CTE teacher in Texas is a rewarding journey that allows you to make a significant impact on students’ lives by preparing them for successful careers. By understanding the requirements and following the outlined steps, you can navigate the certification process and embark on a fulfilling teaching career in CTE. Whether you’re transitioning from industry to education or starting fresh, your expertise and passion will help shape the future workforce.

If you are considering transitioning into gaining your standard teacher certificate in Texas, we encourage you to ask questions, do your research, and find an Educator Preparation Program that can help guide you through all the steps above to ensure you are ready for your first days with students. To reach a member of the Region 13 Education Service Center staff, contact us at

If you would like to learn more about the certification process and get a free copy of our Alternative Teacher Certification Checklist, please visit our Step-by-Step Guide to Alternative Certification.

There is additional information on our website or visit our blog for related articles.


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  • Hello good afternoon my name is Maria Guadalupe Quiroz. I am trying to enroll in an Alternative Certification Program and I have some questions. Is there someone available for guidance? I am currently local to Austin.
    Question…. website for applying? is there certification for LOTE? and if classes are offered in person rather than on line? Sincerely, Maria G. Quiroz (

    • Hello Maria. Thank you for your comment. Please reach out to ECP’s Program Support at 512-919-5366 or and they will be happy to discuss avaliable cohorts with schedules and their application process.

  • Good morning, I am currently a Federal Law Enforcement Agent in Texas with 31 years of Law Enforcement Experience. I am at the end of my career and very close to retirement. I am very much considering continuing in the work force as a Criminal Justice Teacher after my retirement. What do I need as far as certification to allow me to teach?

    • Thank you for reaching out to the Region 13 Educator Certification Program, it sounds like you would be interested in the Trade and Industrial Education certification with a work approval in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement.

      For Trade and Industrial Education there are two ways to qualify:

        Degree (from an accredited institution of higher education) with coursework documented on transcript related to certification area
        Two years of full-time wage-earning experience within the past ten years in one or more approved occupations for which instruction is offered. Up to 18 months of the wage-earning experience can be met through a formal documented internship.
        Licensure, certification, or registration by a nationally recognized agency or successful performance on NOCTI exam is required by end of program
        Non Degreed:
        High School Diploma or GED
        Five years of full-time wage-earning experience within the past ten years in one or more approved occupations for which instruction is offered
        Licensure, certification, or registration by a nationally recognized agency or successful performance on NOCTI exam is required by end of program

      The following items are needed to complete the application process:

        Completed application on our website:

        Completed Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) – attached

        Copy of transcript showing degree conferred or copy of HS diploma/GED. Unofficial copies will work for the initial evaluation. Official copies are due upon acceptance.

        Copy of industry license, certification, or registration. If you do not have an industry license or certification, you can be accepted with the understanding that you must have one prior to being recommended for your standard teacher certificate. *Cosmetology and Barbering candidates must have an active Operators License prior to admission.

      All supporting documents should be emailed to
      Please let us know if you have any additional questions.