The Teacher Incentive Allotment is a big deal for Texas teachers and their students. Governor Abbott signed House Bill 3 into law in 2019. Included in this legislation...
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Now that school is over for the year, what are some ways to keep our students enriched and still learning during the summer break? What are some activities that do not...
Response to Intervention, otherwise known as RTI, is a critical and multi-tier way of identifying and supporting students with behavior or learning needs. As students...
Career and Technical Education, often abbreviated as CTE, isn’t just an educational buzzword, it’s a vital part of setting up our students for success in and...
Let’s be honest, it’s been a really hard year for most of us, and an exceptionally hard school year for educators. Educators have been on the frontlines of the pandemic...
Educators know the difficulties of the summer slide⏤the phenomenon where students lose significant gains in math and reading over the summer months. But now, research is...