COVID-19 can be scary and difficult for younger kids to understand. Kids generally aren’t used to wearing masks, socially distancing, and spending long periods of time isolated from other kids. COVID-19 is also pretty challenging to explain even for adults. With new knowledge being discovered about the virus everyday, it can feel daunting to explain why we’re doing certain tasks one week and not doing them the next.
We’ve rounded up a list of 6 great posts we think will help you explain Coronavirus to kids and students.
1. A comic exploring the new coronavirus
Based on a radio story from an NPR education reporter, Cory Turner, this comic breaks down advice and info from different health experts and packages it all together in a downloadable Zine. It’s a great resource to print out and flip through with your kids, or to just have on hand for those that might have questions!
2. Lessons dedicated to the Coronavirus
From BrainPOP, this section has a whole lesson plan outlined to explain coronavirus to kids while also teaching them more about best practices for safety. It contains animated movies, quizzes, challenges, and activities they can practice in school or outside of school to learn about the virus.
3. This blog post from Counselor Keri

On her blog, Counselor Keri breaks down 15 ways you can help kids who are worried about the coronavirus. She includes prevention strategies, response strategies, and additional strategies that help your young kids understand and worry less.
Kids thrive with routines and boundaries, and predictability can be very comforting in anxious times. When some things feel out of control, routines can give kids a sense of security. School-aged kids might be used to seeing a visual schedule in their classrooms, so try using one at all. Write your daily routine on a whiteboard or make a paper schedule together. And make sure you include fun activities in your daily routine! Play board games, play outside, or have silly dance parties.
– Sticking to Routines and Boundaries from Counselor Keri
4. A helpful guide from child mind institute

The Child Mind Institute has created a downloadable parent guide outlining the challenges and struggles of supporting families during COVID-19. They also provide tons of supportive resources including facebook live video chats, remote evaluations, tips for parenting, and more!
5. Essential SEL skills we need
Vicki Davis writes on Cool Cat Teacher about the essential SEL skills everyone needs during the pandemic. You can read about the skills needed and listen to her podcast episode about all of the essential skills needed by students, parents, and teachers over on their blog.
6. How to talk to your child has broken down what questions you can ask, how you can help kids feel in control, and what you can do to listen to your kids fears, anxieties, and questions. They’ve also got helpful resources and videos on keeping conversations going throughout the pandemic.
Give your child specific things to do to feel in control. Teach kids that getting lots of sleep and washing their hands well and often can help them stay strong and well. Explain that regular hand washing also helps stop viruses from spreading to others. Be a good role model and let your kids see you washing your hands often!
Help Kids Feel in Control – From
Have any other great resources you’ve been using to talk to your kids about coronavirus or help them cope with COVID-19? Share them below so parents and educators can connect to more great resources!
JoEllen is the Mental Health Liaison between Region 13 and the Local Mental Health Authorities.
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