2024-2025 is a transition year for implementing the new K-12 science standards. Teachers across Texas want to know if this year’s Science...
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For more than 70 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has inspired our nation and the world with its outstanding record of...
Learning breaks can be difficult for children. The longer the break, the more learning loss occurs. Research on “summer slide” or “summer lag” shows...
The shortage of certified teachers applying for campus roles has been a struggle for many district and campus leaders for the last several years...
How A Strong Game-Changing Data Culture Empowers Public Schools
In today’s fast-paced educational world, data is more important than ever. Creating a game-changing data culture in public schools isn’t...
TIA’s vision is to support districts in building, expanding, and sustaining strategic compensation systems that can differentiate teacher...
February is a month to celebrate love, history, and connection in the classroom. This month’s Book Talk features heartfelt Valentine’s Day stories...
Teaching is one of the most impactful professions, shaping the minds and futures of millions of students every year. However, as the data shows, many...
Each year, Texas requires students to take the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR). The STAAR is based on state curriculum...
As school leaders, we are often called upon to step in when there is a problem—a student struggling with behavior, a conflict needing resolution, or...
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) Student Assessment offers districts and campuses optional assessment resources. These free resources provide tools...
Incorporating engaging activities with read-alouds can bring stories to life and deepen students’ understanding of important themes. Below are...
Must-Have K-12 Book Links for Every Classroom! January is a time for fresh starts, meaningful reflections, and the chance to inspire student...
Stepping into the role of superintendent is a transformative experience filled with opportunities to lead, learn, and make a difference. Three newly...
The Teacher Incentive Allotment, or TIA, was established in 2019 through HB3. TIA aims to provide outstanding teachers with an accessible...
December Book Talk December is filled with opportunities to captivate students through winter-themed read-alouds, holiday writing prompts, and...
Ways to Nurture Literacy Over the Winter Break Looking for fresh ways to inspire your students to dive into books? This blog is packed with engaging...
As school leaders, one of the most impactful steps you can take to address your teachers’ concerns and impact students’ success is implementing...
The Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Guide defines phenomena (the plural of phenomenon) as naturally...
November is Family Literacy Month It’s Family Literacy Month, an ideal time to encourage students to read and discuss books with their families...
Chris Mihealsick, a science teacher at Round Rock Independent School District’s Westwood High School, was named the 2025 Texas Teacher of the...
The state of Texas has provided updates for the State Test Report for 2024-2025. The article includes information on the 2025 TELPAS, Centralized...
Each year, Student Assessment considers recommendations from stakeholders on updates to state testing accommodations. This helps “level the playing...
Superintendent certification programs equip educational leaders with the advanced knowledge and skills to lead school districts effectively. These...
Embarking on your journey as a first-year teacher is both thrilling and daunting. The excitement of shaping young minds mingles with the pressure of...
Whether you are new to the TIA application process or considering expanding your current application, identifying suitable student growth measures is...
This time of year, schools are completing their diagnostic testing of students and developing an awareness of their students’ strengths and areas of...
As we enter the 2024-25 school year, students, educators, and parents alike are keenly interested in the State of Texas Assessments of Academic...
A Pathway to Academic Success The journey from high school to college is a significant transition in a student’s life. Ensuring students are well...
Redefine Math Education with Building Thinking Classrooms
Reflecting on my early education, I remember math class as a place where we were expected to sit in neat rows, focus solely on our own papers, and...
What to Do When Your Child is Identified as Gifted and Talented: A Parent’s Guide
You receive a letter from the school asking permission to test your child for the gifted and talented (GT) program. Or maybe you requested to have...
3 Reasons to Pay Attention to the Science TEKS Introduction
The new Science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Kindergarten through 12th grade will be implemented for the 2024-2025 school year...
Did you know the state has approved six bilingual program models to support emergent bilingual students? According to TEA data, 1 in every 5 Texas...
In the evolving landscape of education, preparing students for life after graduation encompasses more than academic prowess. The College, Career, and...
The school leaders are responsible for guiding students, staff, and the entire campus toward growth and success. This requires unwavering focus and...
Today marks a milestone in Texas education as Education Service Center (ESC) Region 13 proudly announces the launch of its Education Foundation...
If you’re an aspiring educational leader, considering a superintendent certification program is a significant step toward advancing your career...
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires state education agencies to determine low-performing schools. These low-performing schools are...
Understanding CTE Career and Technical Education (CTE) is crucial in preparing students for the workforce by equipping them with the skills and...
Every year, districts across the state are required to identify students who will participate in Gifted and Talented (GT) programs. This GT...
A principal’s daily responsibilities vary, from engaging with families and the community to providing instructional leadership and managing...
As you know, it’s important for principals to build a sense of community on campus. A cohesive group achieves more together and makes for a...
Content within the new Science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) starts in the 2024-25 school year. The new TEKS affects Kindergarten...
The Texas Accountability System comprises three parts or Domains: Domain 1: Academic Achievement, Domain 2: School Progress, and Domain 3: Closing...
Becoming a superintendent in Texas is a pinnacle achievement for educators aspiring to lead at the highest levels of educational administration. To...
Are you striving to enhance your students’ College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) milestones? The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has two...
Free Standards-based Tasks to Explore in TPSP
The Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) is a Texas Education Agency (TEA) created website providing teachers across Texas with free standards...
Dime Box ISD Announces Selection of Lone Finalist for Superintendent Position
Dime Box ISD proudly announces the selection of Dr. Edna Kennedy as the lone finalist for the position of Superintendent. With an extensive...
As schools close for the summer, many parents and educators seek ways to maintain academic momentum. With the downtime afforded by the break, apps...
So, your district has adopted High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM). Now what? TEA defines full-subject high-quality materials as those that...