Every year, districts across the state are required to identify students who will participate in Gifted and Talented (GT) programs. This GT identification process has specific requirements outlined in the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students. This blog offers...
Author - Amber Reinecke
Amber Reinecke is the Cross-Curricular Systems Program Manager and Gifted and Talented (GT) Specialist at ESC Region 13. She has experience as an elementary classroom GT teacher, as well as six years of experience as a Gifted and Talented Pull-out Teacher and Instructional Coach. She has a passion for working with the gifted community in order to advocate for student needs.
Free Standards-based Tasks to Explore in TPSP
The Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) is a Texas Education Agency (TEA) created website providing teachers across Texas with free standards-based tasks to use...
Everyone wants to do what’s best for students. It can feel overwhelming to meet the training requirements for the gifted and talented program. However, these are...
Do You Know Your Gifted and Talented Program Goals?
Gifted and Talented (GT) Programs vary across campuses, districts, and the state. Do you know your gifted and talented program goals? Are you meeting these goals...
Project Based Learning (also known as PBL) is a method of instruction that encourages students to learn through the use of projects and problem-solving. Project based...
STEM activities integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into lessons in order to teach students 21st century skills through problem solving. Let’s...
Project-based learning… STEM… Gifted and Talented. What’s the difference really in these ideas? Do you know? If you saw a student working in class, could you...