Students experiencing homelessness have the same rights to a free appropriate public education as their fellow classmates. They’re protected under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Protection Act, which helps ensure they receive a high-quality education. Schools are also required to have...
Author - Education Service Center Region 13
For over 50 years, Region 13 has created great things for great educators, like you. Our mission is to ensure our students and schools succeed at every level, from administrative efficiency to assessment support. We are committed to you as members of our educational community with our core values at heart: Service, Innovation, Excellence, Client-Centered, Integrity, Student-Focused. As fellow educators, our expertise stems from sharing the same experiences you do, so whether you’re searching for a workshop, classroom product, technical assistance, or program service, Region 13 is your trusted partner in educational success.
ESC Region 13 will be open beginning March 23. However, our 5701 Springdale Road location will remain closed. Since we know that learning never stops, we’ll continue to...