Remote learning for students with complex disabilities might pose challenges beyond what other students might face. These students need more immersive sensory...
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Raise your hand if this is you: It’s Saturday. You hop in the car. You turn on your ignition. Ten minutes later, you’re at the grocery store. But you don’t remember the...
COVID-19 can be scary and difficult for younger kids to understand. Kids generally aren’t used to wearing masks, socially distancing, and spending long periods of time...
Classroom Setup During COVID-19: Using Picture Visuals
Hi there, friends. In the previous blog about setting up your classroom during Covid-19, we explored how to use floor tape to increase student understanding of visual...
Anxiety. I think it’s safe to say that most people, if they’re being honest, would say that they’ve experienced some level of anxiety the last 5 months during the...
6 Remote Learning Strategies to Successfully Check for Your Students’ Understanding
Remote learning is the new norm for fall instruction, and with this new norm there’s going to be some growing pains. We’ve previously written about how...