STAAR Accommodations 2024-25 Updates

STAAR accommodations

Each year, Student Assessment considers recommendations from stakeholders on updates to state testing accommodations. This helps “level the playing field” for students needing extra assistance accessing test questions. These are the STAAR accommodations 2024-2025 updates.

Emergent Bilingual Students

In previous years, students identified as Emergent Bilingual (EB) and whose parents had refused program participation were not allowed to have linguistic support on STAAR tests.

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, all EB students, including those whose parents have opted them out of program participation, are eligible to receive Oral Administration or Content and Language Supports on STAAR tests based upon recommendations of the student’s Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC).  

In previous years, students identified as EB whose LPAC recommended linguistic supports (Oral Administration or Content and Language Supports) on Reading Language Arts (RLA) STAAR tests could not be reclassified at the end of the school year.

This is no longer the case beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. Students receiving linguistic support on RLA STAAR tests based on LPAC recommendations will be reclassified at the end of the school year. However, this is not retroactive, as all 2023-2024 school year reclassifications should have occurred. 

Text-to-Speech Tracking

Text-to-Speech (TTS) now provides a new visual to help students track the text being read. A line reader highlights the current text, and the word being read is emphasized with a darker shade of the line highlight color.

RLA Pre-Reads

Students who receive Content and Language Supports on RLA STAAR tests are given pre-reads at the beginning of each passage. This introduces the passage and gives some background information. These pre-reads will now be shorter (one to two sentences) and include key vocabulary words needed to understand the passage. The vocabulary words may include pop-ups or rollovers to help the students understand the word. 

Accommodation Request Forms

Four accommodations require TEA approval for student use on state assessments: Complex Transcribing, Math Scribe, Extra Day, and Other. The Accommodation Request Form (ARF) process is available to make these requests. TEA needs time to process requests. This includes confering with the requesting district. Then provide guidance on allowing the student to “routinely and effectively” use the accommodation in class before state testing.

TEA has established due dates for ARF submissions based on the test administrations.

2024-2025 Due Dates for Submitting ARFs:

November 18, 2024 – for December 2024 STAAR administrations

February 3, 2025 – for spring 2025 TELPAS administrations

March 17, 2025 – for spring 2025 STAAR administrations

June 2, 2025 – for June 2025 STAAR administrations

Submitting an ARF for a newly enrolled or newly identified student or a student with extenuating circumstances is permissible. Still, these situations should be the exception and not the rule. 


Please check with your District Testing Coordinator (DTC) or Campus Testing Coordinator (CTC) if you have further questions about STAAR Accommodations. They can inform you about allowable accommodations on state tests. 

For additional STAAR resources, visit our website. View Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about STAAR or read through previously answered questions here.

Videos more your style? Our STAAR Stuff videos provide up-to-date information on STAAR in a fun and comprehensive manner. Check out our playlist on YouTube and learn more about format changes, blueprints, and reading and writing applications.

Read similar posts about STAAR on our blog. Review our E-Campus catalog for current STAAR professional development opportunities.

Still have questions? Contact a Region 13 STAAR team member at

Butch has worked with testing and accountability for over 15 years at the campus, district, regional, and state levels. Originally from North Carolina, Butch is the State Assessment Specialist for the Education Service Center Region 13, helping district test coordinators and others navigate the world of STAAR and TELPAS testing. He is available to answer any of your state testing policy and procedure questions.


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    • Hi Angela, thanks for your comment. A 100 Chart is an example of a Supplemental Aid. The RtI, 504, or ARD committee has the authority to allow a student to have a supplemental aid on the STAAR test. From the Supplemental Aid policy document ( “A number chart (e.g., 100 chart) may be used. Indicating special numbers (e.g., highlighting or circling prime numbers within the body of the chart) is NOT allowed.”

  • What content clarifiers will the students receive on the revising and editing portion of the 6th-grade STAAR test?

    • Thank you for your comment. TEA Student Assessment does not have any published criteria on how Content and Language Supports are determined. The best way to see what Content and Language Supports may be on an RLA STAAR test is to look at a released STAAR test with Content and Language Supports enabled. To do this

        Go to

        Scroll down to the blue Online Practice Test section and click on the Practice Tests Login card

        Leave Guest User and Guest Session set to “On”

        Click the green Sign In button

        Use the Student Grade Level dropdown menu to select the grade level test you wish to view

        Click STAAR Released Tests (the top choice that appears)

        Scroll to find the year of the test you wish to view

        Find the Reading Language Arts test selections

        Click Start #### STAAR Grade # Reading Released Test

        On the Test Attributes screen find Content and Language Supports

        In the box beside it click the “OFF” to get a blue “ON”

        You can turn on other test attributes here as well

        Click the green Select button

        You will see the directions the student will see when they begin the test

        Click the green Begin Test Now button

      You can look at the test in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) to find which items were revising and editing each year. When you open an RLA test, look at Reporting Category 2: Writing. All items in Reporting Category 2, other than the Extended Constructed Response item, were revising and editing items.

    • Thanks for reaching out. Multiplication Charts fall under the Calculation Aids designated support. Some background information for you to use to first determine if a student is eligible to use Calculation Aides on STAAR:
      Both 504 and ARD committees may determine the student’s need for Calculation Aids.
      To have a calculation aid a 3rd or 4th grader must have a physical disability that prevents them from independently writing numbers or a visual impairment that prevents them from seeing the numbers they have written. 5th graders may have a Calculation Aid if they meet one of these 2 criteria or if they have a disability that affects mathematics calculations.
      As for a multiplication chart, this is what the Calculation Aids documentation says: “grade-appropriate multiplication grid without special numbers (e.g., perfect squares) indicated.” The interpretation of “grade-appropriate” would be a district determination, but the student must have been using the chart “routinely, independently, and effectively” … “during classroom instruction and testing.”