Self care is a crucial part of everyone’s mental health. It involves deliberate activities we practice in order to boost our mental, emotional, and physical health. While it might seem simple to practice self care, it can be something many people overlook. However self care is important for limiting feelings of anxiety and boosting our general mood while keeping us less stressed and focused on the positives in life.
Check out these six websites for more help on practicing self care.
Upworthy’s 10 Things Worth Trying During Times of Stress, Trauma, or Crisis

Upworthy’s compiled a list of ten things you can do specifically when you’re stressed, in trauma, or in crisis. It includes info on Exercising, focusing on someone else, developing a routine, and engaging in practices that are meaningful to you.
From Franchesca Ramsey over at Upworthy:
I once read something that said, “It’s not the hard times that define you, it’s how you respond.” One important tool when it comes to dealing with personal challenges is self-care.
What is self-care? The University of Kentucky’s Student Affairs Center describes self-care as “[A]ny intentional actions you take to care for your physical, mental, and emotional health.”
In times of stress, trauma, or crisis, practicing self-care can help manage your health.
Franchesca Ramsey – Upworthy
Use this “How to Calm Your Brain During Conflict” Infographic
CashNet USA created an awesome infographic about calming your brain during conflict. It provides an explanation of what conflict is along with mindful steps you can take to keep yourself calm during times of conflict.
From their post:
However, while it’s not possible to control external events and how other people react, you can work to build your own resilience and emotional intelligence (EQ) – enabling you to resolve conflict quickly, calmly and effectively without letting it weigh you down. What’s important to understand is that, no matter whether the disagreement is trivial or significant, recognizing and accepting your emotional feelings around the matter is always the first step – it’s then a matter of how you deal with them rationally, rather than swatting them away or feeling embarrassed.
Barbara Davidson, Cash Net USA
Read about how to hold space for yourself first

Heather Plett, an international speaker, writer, coach, and facilitator, has written a great post on how to hold space for yourself first. It’s a great read on how focusing on yourself is important and also gives you more energy to focus on others.
From her post
“It is not selfish to focus on yourself. In fact, it’s an act of generosity and commitment to make sure that you are at your best when you support others. They will get much more effective, meaningful, and openhearted support from you if you are healthy and strong.”
Heather Plett
45 Self-Care Practices from Tiny Buddha

Tinybuddha is a website dedicated to “simple wisdom for complex lives” On the site you’ll find plenty of posts about topics like happiness, love, relationships, change, mindfulness and more, all submitted by users.
From Ellen Bard on Tinybuddha:
…self-care isn’t something you do once and tick off the list.
It’s the constant repetition of many tiny habits, which together soothe you and make sure you’re at your optimum—emotionally, physically, and mentally.
The best way to do this is to implement tiny self-care habits every day. To regularly include in your life a little bit of love and attention for your own body, mind, and soul.
Ellen Bard – Tiny Buddha
This post outlines 45 different self-care strategies you can use for body, mind, and soul. It includes suggestions like imagining you’re your best friend, helping someone else, writing out your thoughts, going for a run, and so many more.
Grab a Self-Care Starter Kit

From the social work department of the University at Buffalo, their Self-Care Starter Kit is a collection of resources for students in training and for professionals working in their fields.
It was originally developed my the UB Social Work students to guide you through the process of Self-Care and comes with exercises and worksheets.
Watch Ted’s Importance of Self Care playlist

TED, the platform for engaging speakers and new ideas, has a complete collection of videos all dedicated to self-care. You’ll learn about why we should all practice emotional first aid, the power of vulnerability, mindful minutes, and more.
Do you have anymore great websites or resources you use to practice self-care? Let us know in the comments below what sources help you when it comes to self-care or how you practice self-care daily!
Tisha Kolek is the coordinator for Guidance Services here at the Education Service Center Region 13.
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