25 End-of-Year Reflection Questions for Teachers

Educator reflecting

As the school year comes to a close, it’s natural for teachers to reflect on their successes, challenges, and areas for growth. Taking the time to pause and reflect can help educators gain a deeper understanding of their teaching practice, identify what worked well, and make improvements for the future. We’ve compiled 25 end-of-year reflection questions that can help teachers wrap up the academic year with intention and purpose. These questions are designed to encourage educators to think critically about their teaching practice and celebrate their accomplishments while identifying opportunities for growth. Whether you’re a new teacher or a seasoned veteran, we hope these reflection prompts will inspire you to take stock of your teaching practice and set goals for the year ahead.

  1. What are some of your successes from this year? What worked?
  2. What have been some of your challenges this year, and how were you able to overcome them?
  3. What are your highest hopes for your students next year?
  4. What are your fears when thinking about next year?
  5. What are your next steps in preparing for next year?
  6. How can instructional coaches support you and your students in achieving your goals next year?
  7. When did you see your students most authentically engaged, when you felt like real learning was happening? Describe these best moment(s) or lesson(s).
  8. If you could remind yourself of one important thing at the beginning of next year, what would it be?
  9. What did you learn about our students this year?
  10. What did you learn about yourself this year? (Steve Barkley)
  11. What actions did you take that strongly aligned with your beliefs and values? (Steve Barkley)
  12. Looking forward to next year, what is one way you would like to grow your practice in order to make an impact on student learning?
  13. How has your practice grown this year?
  14. What learning or support do you need next year?
  15. Finish the sentence — The students really responded to . . .
  16. How has your thinking grown or changed this school year?
  17. What is something you accomplished this school year that you are proud of?
  18. What can we learn from our experiences this year?
  19. What do we need to find out or learn before next school year?
  20. What do our students need us to learn?
  21. Which coaching practices were most useful / least useful to you?
  22. What is something that makes you feel hopeful right now?
  23. What, if accomplished next year, would make you feel like you and your students have been successful?
  24. What are you most curious about in your practice?
  25. What other feedback or questions do you have?

Visit our website to find out how instructional coaching can help with your 2023-2024 school year goals.

Angela Buckingham is an education specialist working with instructional coaches and PLCs here at the Education Service Center Region 13

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