One question I get asked when I teach my classroom management class is, “What is the best punishment for a student?” I reply, “There is none.” I’m sure the participants wonder why I’m qualified to teach classroom management! What I do share with my participants is using consequences...
Author - Linda Kutach
Educators are used to maintaining the confidentiality of student data. Under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) it’s required that schools and...
School safety doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or involve a campus-wide push for new buildings, policies, and procedures. In fact, some of the best things you can do...
An intruder assessment is one of the most valuable things any school leader can do to assess the safety of their school. This process is one of the first things I do...
In School Suspension (ISS) programs are founded on the principle that punishing students results in decreased behavior. SMART ISS is a program that flips that script;...
The In School Suspension model is broken and yet most schools still use it. Schools across Texas and throughout the country practice the traditional, punitive, method of...
Plenty of schools use behavior charts to track their students’ behavior. Behavior charts come in all shapes and sizes and are used primarily to motivate students to...
As a teacher, you’ve likely encountered your fair share of difficult students. Students have all sorts of different behaviors and personalities. Some are aggressive...
Cyberbullying is a huge problem our students face daily. With the rise of smartphones and social media your students are communicating 24/7 with each other and others...