The Texas Accountability System comprises three parts or Domains: Domain 1: Academic Achievement, Domain 2: School Progress, and Domain 3: Closing the Gaps. 70% of the overall grade comes from the better of Domain 1 or 2. 30% comes from Domain 3. Let’s take a closer look at Domain 2...
Author - Rick Kutcher
Rick is an Administrative Specialist of Data Systems and Accountability here at the Education Service Center Region 13.
In an effort to enhance accountability and support dropout recovery schools (DRS), the Texas Education Agency (TEA) has proposed a separate Alternative Education...
Academic Growth calculation is one of the big changes in the refreshed A-F Accountability System. TEA continues to evaluate growth in multiple ways. In this blog, we...
In our unusual school year, teachers and administrators have more data to track and analyze than ever before. With virtual, face-to-face, synchronous, and asynchronous...
One of the greatest challenges in education has been pulling data to make pedagogical decisions to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Now, in the ever...