Let’s be honest, it’s been a really hard year for most of us, and an exceptionally hard school year for educators. Educators have been on the...
Category - Classroom Instruction
Our classroom instruction articles focus on management, high quality lesson planning and delivering, and research backed strategies and tips for educators.
Educators know the difficulties of the summer slide⏤the phenomenon where students lose significant gains in math and reading over the summer months...
In our unusual school year, teachers and administrators have more data to track and analyze than ever before. With virtual, face-to-face...
How Texas Teachers are Teaching During COVID-19
COVID-19 has changed the way teachers around the world are teaching. In Texas we’ve seen a rise in both remote learning and blended learning, with...
Classroom Set-up During Covid-19: Creating and Implementing Routines
This morning I woke up, turned on the pre-loaded coffee maker, splashed water on my face, brushed my teeth, put on my exercise clothes, arranged the...
Classroom Setup During COVID-19: Using Picture Visuals
Hi there, friends. In the previous blog about setting up your classroom during Covid-19, we explored how to use floor tape to increase student...
6 Remote Learning Strategies to Successfully Check for Your Students’ Understanding
Remote learning is the new norm for fall instruction, and with this new norm there’s going to be some growing pains. We’ve previously...
Classroom Setup During Covid-19: Floor Tape is Your Friend!
So, let’s be real for a second. We know that classroom setup during COVID-19 and that none of the instructional arrangements during COVID-19...
One of the greatest challenges in education has been pulling data to make pedagogical decisions to increase the effectiveness of teaching and...
Classroom Setup During COVID: Setting Up an Outdoor Classroom Space
Holding class outside has always been popular with students. While being a classroom favorite, there is also evidence that it has learning benefits...